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 Info product date_new more quantity, date added, date_modified pack OpenCart
The extension was made and tested on default version OC 3020 and is 100% compatible with the default version of Open Cart 3020

IMPORTANT!! After installation, you need to remove the first operation in ocmod to update items!

In case your system has been upgraded, there is a possibility that an extension adjustment must be done.

Lets, work now.

Instructions and install

Extract files from a zip file

1)  Install the ocmod file from folder via installer from OC Admin

2)  Go to modification page and refresh modifications. (blue icon)

3)  Go to dashboard page and click blue button Developer Settings Component and clear Cache Theme and SASS.

That all, go to product page and setup some product Time for new quantity date on future and check others product and from front end.

If you not install date_new column and update product with install plugin, you have 2 files for direct upload in the data base.

 In that case:
 1) Add date_new column in product table via sql file add-date-new
 2) Update the products dates in product table via sql file updated-products-dates

If there is a problem, please visit

 IPRS - In Trade Media ltd

Aditional Info

The extension upgrades the product details page and shows information about the date of re-supply of new quantities.

The main function of the date of additional storage of the item will be visible until the date you set when the day of arrival of new goods availability.

 After the time expires, it will not be displayed on the item side until you activate it again for new quantity date.

It is based on the date Available option, the available date still has its basic function if you want the product to be hidden before the set date.

The new quantity time show time of arrival of more goods and customer can know current date when coms new quantity.

Extension have date of added and modified date with alert message with date added and date modified.

After add new product added time show just added time. (after time which you can set, can be display extra message)

If product updated, will show just real modification info only and also extra message instead added date.

What is extra message?
eg: "More than 30 days have passed since this product was added or updated. Please contact us for more information. "

You can set in ocmod date number to show after 10, 20 or more days with message how you need.

Only time for new quantity expire after date which you add on product picker for new quantity date.

If you need more, contact us.

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Info time for product

    Updated: 29/02/2024 More than 30 days have passed since this product was added or updated. Please contact us for more information.
  • Brand: IPRS
  • Product Code: IVZA2341
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Sku: 65


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