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Auto product options sku + ean

The extension allows you to add an EAN and automatically generate a SKU for each product option.

It also generates the main SKU or item code based on the item ID number.

 You can manually assign different EANs and automatic SKUs for each product option.

The different EAN and SKU product options can be seen on the customer product page and forms in the item admin options.

The EAN field is always empty and you need to enter the EAN values ​​of the item either manually or automatically via the data entry feed.

The item option SKU is also empty and if you do not enter a product code in it during product creation, the system will automatically add each product option SKU with unique numbers after its item ID number.

With this way of functioning, you are guaranteed to have unique product option codes.

The main article code is also generated based on the article ID number. If generated automatically, the product options are also generated.

If a master code is entered manually, option codes must also be entered manually or the fields will remain blank.

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Auto Product option sku + ean

    Updated: 29/02/2024 More than 30 days have passed since this product was added or updated. Please contact us for more information.
  • Brand: IPRS
  • Product Code: Aose2309
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Sku: 64


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Tags: Auto, Product, option, sku, +, ean

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