
By clicking on the link you can see a demo extension in action.

For the client side Click here

Use the password "demo" and the username "" to access the portal

For the admin page Click here

Use the password "demo" and username "demo" to access the portal

Free for use!!
 Free Simple order status OC 3020
Order status after invoice number and generate button on admin order info page.
Order status before order info on customer order info page.

Download extension and unpack, upload ocmod via installer, refresh modification and cache.

That all!
For more contact support

Tested just on version, probably works on all versions 3 and newer.
Custom themes may require  correction in install.xml

Dont forgot to rate us, that is very important for us.

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Order status

    Updated: 29/02/2024 More than 30 days have passed since this product was added or updated. Please contact us for more information.
  • Brand: IPRS
  • Product Code: SN0031
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Sku: 66


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Tags: Order, status, admin, client, info

Route > > FREE Opencart Extensions > Order status